Think Tank Network on the Eastern Partnership

Timeline of activities

The network has produced a variety of events and publications that focus on the countries of the Eastern Partnership. Some events are public, while others are closed-door workshops for network members and often feature high-level representatives from the European External Action Service (EEAS) and DG NEAR.

How we work

  1. Policy Events and Networking
    • EaP Think Tank Network Colloquium (CQ): An annual event focused on policy discussions, capacity-building, and research exchange among think tanks, researchers, and EU institutions.
    • High-Level Annual Event in Brussels: A yearly public event that brings together key EU decision-makers and EaP think tank representatives to discuss trends and strategies in neighborhood policy.
    • Strategic Brainstorming Meetings: Small, closed meetings held twice a year to generate new ideas and discuss region-specific strategies for decision-makers.
  2. Thematic Workshops and Briefings
    • Thematic Workshops: Online, closed-door discussions held twice a year to address pressing issues within the Eastern Partnership policy in a confidential setting.
    • Informal Briefings: Request-driven sessions held twice annually, primarily for DG NEAR and the EEAS, to provide timely, on-demand analysis on key regional developments.
  3. Research and Strategic Publications
    • Policy Papers and Input Papers: In-depth analyses on key neighborhood policy topics.
    • Research Memos: Summarized insights from research trips, offering concise policy recommendations for EU institutions and Member States.
  4. Regional Engagement and Research Visits
    • Research Trips: Annual visits to Eastern Partnership countries and a relevant EU Member State to gather on-the-ground insights, including workshops with partner think tanks.
    • Cross-Regional Thematic Exchanges: Joint publications or events with think tanks from Central Asia, the Western Balkans, and the Black Sea region to discuss shared policy challenges.
  5. Capacity Building & Training Initiatives
    • Think Tank Lab School: Annually invites two to three network members to participate in professional training modules in Berlin and Brussels.
    • Mentorship within the Colloquium: Mid-career researchers from the network collaborate with experienced mentors to develop policy papers for the Colloquium, enhancing their analytical skills and policy expertise.
  6. Network Communications
    • Network newsletter: A regular newsletter that distributes members’ publications and events as well as a mini-interview addressing a timely issue of the region.

Panel at Forum 2000

The network organizers held a panel at Forum 2000 on “EU Accession of Ukraine and Moldova: The Next Steps?”.


Moderator: Anastasia Pociumban, Panel Discussion: Igor Zaharov, Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze, Petra Gombalová Kyslingerová, Tomáš Kopečný